Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car …

Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car …

The phrase Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car … is storming out  the internet and  search engines. There are many confusions around  the phrase and its meaning. We have given our time and effort to know what it is. Here in this blog we will share our opinions and  results which we got after our research 

Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car …: Breaking The Terms

This phrase contains different words and meanings. Breaking down it into several parts will give you clarity on its meaning. This is no difficult task, let’s start with understanding the meaning or message behind Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car …

  • Rena: The term Rena probably wants to explain about the ship MV Rena. It was a New Zealand’s ship which grounded off in an incident in 2011.
  • Monrovia: Monrovia defines a location. It is the capital of Liberia and it was the place where the ship was register.
  • When you Transport Something by car: by reading this phrase you simply understand that it is talking about transportation of  goods by car. Well it does not make any sense to the previous words. 

Confusion Behind The Phrase: Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something by Car … 

I understand that you must be feeling more confused about this phrase now. Hold on. The reason behind  this confusion is that the phrase Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car … makes no sense at all. You saw that the last phrase does get any impactful meaning with the other two words. 

Sometimes Some users do random searches of  random keywords and we get highly illogical results. Till now we can only say that it is a search engine mistake. The given set of words or phrases makes no sense and  meaning together and  it is only a result of search engine spam or glitch.

MV Rena: The ship

MV Rena was a container ship which owned by Costamare Inc. (A greek shipping organization and subsidiary of Daina shipping Co.). It built and started in 1990. The Ship came into more limelight after an oil spill incident due to navigation errors in 2011. After that incident the ship was out of service. The other Crucial details about MV Rena is provided in the table below:

Origin DateLaid  down: 4 October 1989Launched: 22 January 1990Completed: 1 April 1990
Previous Names1990-2007 — ZIM America2007-2010 — Andaman Sea
Current  Name 2010-2011 — Rena
Owned by1989-2010 — Zim 2010 — Daina Shipping Co.
Out of service date5 October 2011

MV Rena Oil Spill Incident 2011

This Hazardous incident occurred on 5 October 2011. MV Rena ran aground while sailing from Napier to Tauranga. It happened on the Astrolabe Reef off the Bay of Plenty, New Zealand.  On the ship there was 1,700 tonnes of fuel and  200 tonnes of diesel. There were 1,368 containers containing harmful chemicals and materials.

It turned out to be the worst maritime experience of  New Zealand and  the clean up process took years. Around 200 tonnes of Oil and Fuel spilled and  containers losted. Later it found that irresponsibility and carelessness of captain and navigational officers was the main reason behind the environmental disaster. 

Reasons Behind the MV Rena Incident

Here we are clearing out What were the reasons which caused this incident:

  • Navigational officer and captain not properly updated with the course and charts.
  • Poor navigational techniques.
  • There were mistakes in the monitoring and detection process.

Impact of the Oil Spill Incident

Human LegalEnvironmentalEconomical
Many volunteers were engaged in the clean up  process risking their life with toxic chemicals and  fuels.The owners and  navigators were charged under the required sections. Both the captain and  navigator officer of  the ship were sentenced to prison.Almost 350 tonnes of  fuel oil  and  100 tonnes of  diesel leaked from the ship into the ocean. Which polluted more than 140 km of coastline. The cleaning process took a good  amount of  money with time. It approximately cost around  or over $10 million. A big workforce was gathered and paid which affected the economy.
Individuals who were dependent on fishery got really affected. Because either the fishes were dead or  people were not buying them due to toxicants in water.The owner Company faced necessary legal insurance claims from the New Zealand’s   Government. They  have asked for $200 million.The leak Affected the Marine wildlife and  plants. Many fishes, dolphins, seals and plants etc are found dead after this incident.The areas which were open for  the visitors and  locals to explore were closed. The beaches and  parks around  that area brought a good  amount of  income for  the organizations and  nation. But they had to close them for  safety reasons.
The captain and  navigators were jailed and their public relations were damaged.The owners of  the ship had to fund offshore salvage operations in New Zealand. So, they  can remove the oil and containers from the ocean.By the negative effect on Marine Wildlife  the whole food  chain was disturbed.As we said, the wildlife was affected as well as the business. Fish and seas food market were negatively affected as people were not referring it due to health reasons
It has negatively impacted the nearby areas and livelihood. Communities around  that particular area had  to face many market changes and  health consequences. The court and New Zealand government compensated $47 million for clean up costs and damage of natural resources.The damage caused to the ecosystem by this incident was hard to revive. The cleaning process took time and effort.Many new resources were needed for  the clean up process and  the recovery. The total cost is said to be around  $300 million. 

Lessons to Learned from MV Rena Incident

There are various lessons to learnt from this incident. It impacted the economy as well as the environment on a big scale. We have to be careful on some points so that history does  not repeat itself.

Form Required Safety Reforms
Understand  the test requirementsMake risk management forumsRestrict the under-regulated ships. 
Monitor the reformsImprove the enforcement of reformsDo the advance vessel trackingMonitor the company auditsMange required inspections
Work to Improve NavigationGo through two man bridge ProceduresAssure that plotting aids are accurate and  secure.For better ship navigation do the radar monitoringPlanning and preparationComplete your preparation with charts and data of pilotage.Always stay prepared with response spill.Stay informed of the hazards and plan better response ideas.

New Safety Regulations Implemented by New Zealand

In order to prevent incidents like MV rena, New Zealand has established required legal forums and laws. Here are the important rules in easy terms:

  • Pilotage is require for certain ships and coastal routes.
  • Legal charges in monetary terms are raise. Penalty and insurance amount is essential to paid.
  • There are strict rules for foreign vessels which enter New Zealand’s water territory.
  • Furthermore, diplomatic efforts have made for national maritime reforms.
  • The vessels containing high risk chemicals have to go through the review and audits.


The blog started with a phrase – Rena Monrovia When You Transport Something By Car … . This Blog worked on breaking this term and finding out the meaning behind  it. In our results we have found that the Phrase has no meaning and it is just a random phrase or set of  words which occurred due to a search engine glitch. Then we delved  into the topic from which the phrase started. Rena – the ship which created the buzz in 2011 with a huge oil spill in New Zealand. The oil spill impacted the economy and environment of New Zealand negatively. New Zaeland  took some strict actions and  made required regulations so they don’t have to face such situations in future. It was like a man disaster which came uncertainty and changed the whole scenario.

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